24, 25  y 26 de Noviembre 2017

Centro Cívico Universidad
(C. de Violante de Hungría, 4, 50009 Zaragoza)

I festival

Music in the clouds

It was the starting point of this adventure with which we wanted to fill a space that we felt was not covered in Zaragoza, with those types of music that were hardly programmed because they were, so to speak, for minorities.

We had more illusion than means, but fate made us meet a person who supported us from the very first moment and who, to a great extent, thanks to her, we continued with this project: Pilar Tobías, who was in charge of the Centro Cívico Universidad that year and whom we followed wherever she went. Together with José Prieto “Flip” in the graphic part and David Marco in the sound, we have managed to form the best working team.

We managed to bring from Belgium a group that we thought was wonderful, Arax, with a way of working with arrangements on traditional Armenian themes very similar to that of the group O’Carolan, who were also at the festival. On the second day of the festival, Alos Quartet took the stage, a great string quartet that sows admiration wherever they go, and Vegetal Jam with their marvellous music adorned with circus acts.

Zoótropo Teatro delighted young and old with ‘Cuentico contao’ and the luthiers’ fair was a great success. The workshops were full (hurdy-gurdy, duduk, ney and harp). The programme was completed with an exhibition on musical instruments in the popular tradition by La Chaminera and a conference on the situation of the bagpipe in Aragon in which we were lucky to have Pedro Mir, Ángel Vergara, Mario Gros and Pedro Mari Martín.



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