II festival
Music in the clouds
The second edition of the festival was marked by difficulties.
In addition to the lack of funding, there was also a change of location, but we managed to pull it off.
The music of LA MARCA DE IFIGENIA and EL MANTEL DE NOA opened the festival.
The second day was marked by the Andalusian mastery of AQUITANIA and the ‘cum laude’ of the members of LOOCKINGBACK.
Oswaldo amazed us with his ‘Artilogios’ and José Luis Simón gave a lecture on the musical scientific work “Poems and Music of the spheres’.
An exhibition on world instruments, an exhibition on nature photography (Uge Fuertes), workshops on chiflo, hurdy-gurdy, harp, folk guitar and improvisation.
A didactic concert on the guitar in the world by Fernando Pérez and an exhibition of luthiers completed the programme, with the final climax by the Gaiteros del Rabal.